
Contracts, hacks and musings

Feb 2017

Amazon Best Sellers
Node.js - crawl Amazon best sellers pages for product info

Weekend hack to come up with viable ecommerce business ideas using some existing data to explore potential competitive opportunities.

pages: overview github
Jan 2017

Speed Reader
Vue.js experiment with various speed reading techniques

There are a few popular implementations of speed-readers online. But most are dated, clunky, or exclusive to mobile. So I decided to take a stab at building my own.

pages: overview demo github
Aug 2016

Homefront Builders
New venture - identity, business strategy, IT, operations

Created an identity, website, and operations tools for a new general contracting business. Provided design, development, direct email marketing, software setup and integrations.

pages: overview design website advertising
May 2016

Retail startup - business development, infrastructure, design & web

Developed a full stack MVP for an early-stage startup. Produced promotional materials, implemented operational workflows, marketing automations, analytics and reporting tools. Developed channels for lead generation and established the core message and tone for the brand.

pages: overview development design manifesto
Feb 2016

GitHub Browser
Simple Angular1 app (using ES6) with the GitHub API

Spawned as a simple application to test and demo Angular 1 components. Implements a simple search, router and resource with multiple requests per query. Demonstrates the use of services, filters and directives. Includes 100% test coverage.

pages: overview demo github
Dec 2015

News Reader UI
Concept design & study for an advanced news reader

Reimagining the modern news dashboard for a more compact and efficient reading experience. Considering features like playlists, speed reading, playing TTS audio, and scoring articles for salience, sentiment, entities, etc.

Nov 2015

SYNLawn Toronto
Franchise enterprise - design, media, marketing & advertising

Redesigned company website following corporate design guidelines. Produced photos and videos showcasing the installation process and finished product. Ran consistent and successful content marketing, social media and advertising campaigns.

pages: overview website promotions media
Sep 2015

Cyber Dials
SVG & animation experiment with some futuristic design elements

Using Snap.svg to bring some cyber designs to life. After a day of hacking, I came up with a technique that proved useful for generating interactive dials.

Feb 2014

Small business - graphic design, web development, advertising

Company website redesign, including a content overhaul, an interactive service quote and checkout. In the first year -- reduced bounce rate from over 60% to under 10%, 600% lead conversion growth, 1800% online sales growth.

pages: overview website promotions
Jan 2014

Some attempts to make my schooling more fun and productive

Includes a few applications built for learning.

Jan 2014

Some honourable mentions from the early days

Includes small graphic design projects - logos, print, and photography - with occasional code mixed in for motion or interaction.

Note: projects between '12-'16 were completed during my full-time studies in university.